The Sedli
In January, 2025, we will be returing to the city of Manaus to work with women who live with severe abuse and extreme poverty. We will be sharing the love of Christ through words and acts of service. We provide spa days to pamper the women with arm massages, manicures, and haircuts. Family food packs and first aid kits are provided for each family. We also share the truth of God's immense love and salvation. If you would like more information on the trip, please contact us.
In July, 2024, a team traveled to the Amazon interior to work with women in the village of New Hope. This was our third trip to the village. We have seen God's tremendous work with over 50 adults accepting Christ. This year we were able to begin to disciple new believers and distributed 70 gospels of John and 5 solar-powered audio Bibles (for those who cannot read). We provided 75 family food packs, first aid kits, and sewing kits as well as shared the gospel with the women there.