The Sedli
Our Faith Statement
We believe that there is one God who is the creator and judge of the universe. He is holy and pure and cannot tolerate sin. However, man is born with a sinful nature. There is nothing that we can do to make ourselves holy or pure, but God provided a way. He gave His one and only Son to pay the debt of our sin. Jesus Christ came to earth to give His life for us. He who was without sin died in our place and rose again, conquering sin and death. He offered us the gift of forgiveness and eternal life with Him. When we surrender our lives to Him in acceptance of that life-giving gift, our sin is thrown away, as far as the east is to the west, and we are given the Holy Spirt to guide and instruct and empower us to live for God. We look forward to the day when we will live with Christ in Heaven.
We know the Bible to be the inspired, true and infallible Living Word of God. It is our daily bread. It is active and relevant and teaches us. God speaks through His Word, and it is through His Word that He shows us how to become more like Him. Although our perfection will only come in Heaven, God’s Word and Spirit daily lead us to live a more fully surrendered life to Christ.
God gives us the responsibility and commandment to share this life-giving news of salvation through Jesus Christ to those around us and to the nations of the world. We hold the key to life, and it is our desire to share that key of Christ that opens the door to a joyful, abundant and eternal life.